Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm going to be a blogger!

Ok, so I have a "Blog Name" and my own web address and now it's time for me to write my first post!  Problem is.....I have no idea what I'm doing!  This whole blogging thing has totally consumed my thoughts lately....well, since my friend turned me on to Pinterest.  I guess I must have been the only one in the whole wide world who didn't know about Pinterest. But, now I do and I haven't had one full nights sleep since!

I have lots of projects that I'm getting ready to do.  Of course I didn't need Pinterest for that, I've always been one of those girls who has several.....ok, MANY projects going on at the same time.  My hubby Mike is soooooo thrilled that I've found something else that feeds my inspiration.  He says that I'm like a Bit Torrent.  For those of you who don't know what that is, I think I'll have a separate post just for that.  For now, I'll just tell you that it's an online term used in downloading media files.

Ok, well, that's it.  My first post.  Wow! I can't wait to see how it looks.  That's what it's all about for it all looks, whatever it is I'm working on.  Could be the labels I'm making for my storage boxes in the garage, decorating a table top display, making a wreath or painting a room.  It's all the same to me......and I can do it all, right in the middle of a huge messy room.  Doesn't matter to me, I don't see all of that.  I only see the creativity in what I'm "creating".  That's what makes me happy!  Drives my hubby crazy!